Dooley himself Dooley himself
Dooley himself Dooley himself

By the way:
You may have been
re-directed to this page
because your current
browser settings
disallow execution
of javascript....
Your browser seems to
support the following javascript versions
Javascript Basic / Standard - "JavaScript" tag
Javascript version 1.1 - "JavaScript1.1" tag
Javascript version 1.2 - "JavaScript1.2" tag
Javascript version 1.3 - "JavaScript1.3" tag

The JAVASCRIPT tag tester

Our use of JAVASCRIPT at Dooley.Dk...
We use javascript on especially our tools, link and news sections. This is due to functionality and easy maintenance. We try to restrict ourselves to standard javascript, which should be interpreted correctly in all browsers (!!) supporting javascript. We hope that your browser are one of them... enjoy...

Note that if your current browsers settings disallow javascript execution, you of course will not be able to use any version of javascript. This is for example the case in Internet Explorer (6.0) with security level: High.

JavaScript is a set of commands and functions that is embedded in a page, shown in your browser. If your browser support Javascript you wont actually see the javascript, only the result of it executing. Below you can read some, more or less technical, information we have found on the subject (written around 24/5 1999).

Have fun, Tom Kjeldsen

Technical: JavaScript is an interpreted language (i.e. it does not need to be compiled) that has characteristics of Object Oriented languages, e.g. objects, properties, methods. JavaScript comes in two flavours, the popular Client Side version that runs in a users browser, or the Server Side version that can run on Netscape Servers. There are three browsers that support Client Side JavaScript: Netscape Navigator (since version 2), Microsoft Internet Explorer (since version 3) and Opera (since version 3 ?!?). JavaScript allows client side processing to occur within a document without the need for processing on the server. For example, JavaScript can be used to validate a form before it is sent to the server. This can avoid lengthy delays whilst validation is carried out on the server, only for a response to return stating that the form has been completed incorrectly. JavaScript can do this *before* the form is sent. JavaScript has a core set of objects, methods and variables, that have been standardised by the Ecma (see below). The browsers themselves extend the JavaScript language with additional objects, for example images, windows, frames. These object and their methods and properties are part of what is known as the Document Object Model (DOM). Each browser has its own subtle version of the DOM. As browsers mature and new versions are released more and more features are added to the browsers DOM. Hopefully we will reach a stage where the differences between each browsers DOM is small and insignificant enough to ignore. At the moment the differences are to apparent. This does however make JavaScript an interesting language to master.

Javascript History: JavaScript was originally called "LiveScript", and the Java/LiveScript glue was (in fact is still) called "LiveConnect"; Netscape's server-side JavaScript product is called "LiveWire"; generically Netscape referred to browser-side objects (plugins, applets) as "Live Objects".
23 May 95 - Netscape license Java
18 Sep 95 - Navigator 2.0 beta ships with "LiveScript"
4 Dec 95 - Netscape and Sun announce JavaScript (renaming of LS) ?
early 96 - Navigator 2.0 final ships, LS now "JavaScript"
15 Nov 96 - ECMA start work on standardising JavaScript
Jun 97 - ECMAScript standard (ECMA-262) released
Microsoft refer to their scripting language as JScript.
This info was put together by Paul Bennett - 24/5 1999

Supported browsers: The following lists which browsers support which version of JavaScript (written around 24/5 1999):
NN1 - no JavaScript support
NN2 - JavaScript 1
NN3 - JavaScript 1.1
NN4 - JavaScript 1.2
NN4.05 - JavaScript 1.3
NNx.x - JavaScript x.x

MSIE1 - no JavaScript support (was there a MSIE1?)
MSIE2 - no JavaScript support
MSIE3.x - partial JavaScript 1 support, also depending on the platform used.
MSIE4 - partial JavaScript 1.1 support
MSIE x.x - JavaScript x.x

Standard Ecma-262 - ECMAScript Language Specification
- 3rd edition, December 1999 (or view Dooley.Dk local stored version)
Ecma International is an industry association founded in 1961 and dedicated to the standardization of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Systems.

About this information
Regarding the information at (this page); Collected from 1996 up to around 2003: I don't have the focus to keep this infomation up to date as the browsers develop. On this spot in time my personal experience is that IE 6 and MZ(NN) 1.4 don't always agree on javascript. I have no preference, but good compability, on browsers. Currently I'll bet on MZ, since they are going for the stated standards... and because MZ in 2003 have the best JS debugger...